Lt. Lindsay Arthur Pirie. DSC. RN

S/LT. Pirie RNVR was a survivor of the sinking of the Jupiter F85, he served on Jupiter from 1939 until Feb 1942, after arriving in Australia, he was eventually repatriated to England in the July and entered the Submarine Service.

WWII Submarine Service: 1942 - 1946
Upright, Trespasser, Safari, Sceptre1

The funeral will be on Tuesday, 28th May at St John's Church, West Meon, Hants GU32 1LF at 2pm, with refreshments afterwards at the village hall.

Lindsay seated with our President Vice Admiral Sir Geoffrey Dalton and David Baker Chairman at the 2007 Reunion in Southsea

Lindsay seated with our President Vice Admiral Sir Geoffrey Dalton and David Baker Chairman at the 2007 Reunion in Southsea