NMA WREATH LAYING 27th February 2015

After meeting up in the Reception area we proceeded to have a warming cup of hot chocolate followed by the service in the Chapel at 1100hrs and introduction to the NMA site. The weather was sunny, dry but a little cool and the walk to the Jupiter tree was pleasant enough but sober remembering why we were there.

The short ceremony with Dave Baker placing the wreath and the Secretary speaking the Exortation and Kohima Epitaph was as usual very moving and reflective.

We then walked past the Naval Service Memorial and on to the FEPOW area where we paid our respects to those who lost their lives whilst POW's and to those who survived imprisonment by the Japanese.

Later we moved on to the Armed Forces Memorial, passing a new area of inscribed slabs naming those from the Commonwealth who received the VC during the Great War.

After a light lunch we all dispersed to our home ports and had a safe passage, if you have never been to the NMA, I suggest you put it on your Bucket List.

Wreath Laying at the NMA

Anyone who would like to attend at 11.00am on the Anniversary of the date on which Jupiter struck a mine please let me know. Although Jupiter actually sank on the 28th she hadabandoned ship the night before after she collided with a mine within an uncharted mine field laid by the Dutch Navy.


This DVD was taken for Redrow, so is for their PR purposes but it was very well put together and a load of my verbal and visual c***p was well edited out!!!!

The house we had the reception in was being marketed at £500,000, very nice but outside our price range, so I for one didn't put my name down for one!


Evesham Town Council, Wychaven Borough Council, Jupiter Association representatives and Redrow Construction all came together on November 27th to officially name Jupiter Road. This was reported in the local papers and on the Radio the next day, a link to the newspaper article is below, Harold Lock was the star guest and was lauded by all those present. There was photographers and a TV camera team who took loads of phots and many interviews of all those officials taking part, copies of everything will be given to us as soon as they are ready.


The Plaque below is situated in the Evesham Town Council Offices.