The weekend did not start well as the weather for traveling was atrocious, the roads were jam packed and as usual full of road works. But by 1800hrs Jupiter had taken over most of the Hotel Lounge, Dutchy had slops open selling the new Association Shirts,Ties,Hoodies, Mugs, Lapel Badges, Blazer Badges, and Jumpers. Loads of old faces from Australia and France, some much older!! it is not always easy to recognise your old shipmates with white or missing hair. The Hotel was close to all the local Pubs and eating houses, some ventured out whilst others stayed within the dry and warmth of the Bar area.

Saturday morning came around too quick, after a hurried breakfast it was time for the AGM at 0900hrs. Due to the lack of a quorum last year we had first to ratify the existence of the two Vice Presidents which was duly done and VP Commodore Barry Bryant took the hot seat as our President was unable to join us due to ill health. After a brief introduction the VP handed over to the Chairman to conduct the rest of the AGM. If anyone would like a copy of the minutes please contact the Secretary but the main points were that Accounts were accepted, a donation was continued to the NMA and a new one off donation was made to Parkinsons UK. The Committee Members were appointed with Mick O’Neil being promoted to Vice Chairman ready to take over the Chairmanship in 2020.

An amended Constitution was distributed and agreed on, again copies can be obtained by contacting the Secretary.

It was unanimously agreed to the proposal that our President be granted an Honorary Life Presidency and Lady Jane be granted an Honorary Life Membership.

The date and venue of the 2020 Reunion and AGM was discussed and a date of October 9-11 was agreed and the Venue being Plymouth, the Secretary to arrange.

The AGM closed at 0950hrs.

The Anniversary continued at the NMA starting at 1100hrs with many Members attending the Chapel for the Daily Service of Remembrance. The Jupiter Service took place at our Remembrance Tree soon after 1200hrs with the local Sea Cadets in attendance with their Standard, the local RNA and Jupiters own Standard also paraded. Our Padre took the Service with three wreaths being laid by our Chairman on behalf of the Association, Councillor Smith for Wychavon Council and our Vice Chairman for Middlesbrough Council. On completion there was Tea and Biscuits provided in the main restaurant, thereafter some stayed to look around the NMA others travelled back to the Hotel for other types of refreshment and lamp swinging.

The Anniversary Dinner started with Tot Time at 1900hrs announced by the Sea Cadets by Bosun’s Call quickly followed by Hands to Dinner, Grace and nose bag time. Later on Loyal Toasts, Port was passed, VP and Wychavon Councillors speeches were made and then Shep Wooley entertained us royally until late when the Raffle was made at about midnight.

Bleary eyed people attended breakfast with the usual farewells made looking forward to the next Reunion in Guzz.


HMS JUPITER ASSOCIATION AGM will take place on October 12th at the George Hotel Lichfield. Anyone wishing to put their names forward as a Committee Member or want to include an item for the Agenda please contact the Secretary via the website by September 30th 2019.


Looking forward to the special Anniversary Reunion this year, new faces, new venue, new entertainment, new Vice Presidents, local Sea Cadets and RNA Representatives joining in with our celebrations. Only a few more rooms available at the George Hotel but we have negotiated rates at their sister Hotel, the Cathedral Lodge which is 5mins walk away so no excuses not to attend.

Don’t forget advantages of attending include free Tot Time (real RUM), a chance to meet up with some of your old messmates, a chance to meet up with your old Skipper (Commanders Bridges and Bryant) and of course real Matelots entertainment with Shep Woolley after the Reunion Dinner on Saturday night. Bring your other halves for a fun filled weekend and special Gin Experience, they will be forever grateful ( well maybe!).

There is plenty of room in the Hotels so contact all your lost oppos on faceache and invite them to join us for your own mini reunions and the chance to recoup some of the dosh you lent them 20 years ago.

Please email for the Attendance Form to ken.williams@xlnmail.com , this Form shows all your Hotel options and prices for the weekend.


The joint Venue will be The George Hotel in Lichfield & the NMA.

The weekend will be 11-13 October with the AGM @ 0900hrs in the Hotel, attendance at the NMA for a Remembrance Service at the Jupiter Commemorative Tree from 1100hrs to 1300hrs. and the the Anniversary Dinner from 1900hrs with Shep Woolley as our after Dinner Entertainment. Ticket prices and final timings will be promulgated later.

2018 Reunion Report

Harrogate was a little low on numbers but was made up with loads of Fun and Frolics.

The PPC Brigade (2L PO’S Mess) arrived a day earlier on the Thursday and tested the water (beer) before the rest arrived on the Friday. The Boss and Lady Jane arrived with the new Admirals Barge (looks like a motorised scooter) and proceeded to demolish half of the furniture in the Hotel, Ged Smith did try some simple manoeuvers in the Bar area but only achieved straight line speed of 1mph. More members turned up during the day with The Bell Pub and Wetherspoons providing most of the cheap ale and food. (Phots. coming soon).

Saturday morning we had our AGM followed by exciting pub and bus trips (!!!!!!!)

Saturday evening started with TOT TIME followed by the local Sea Cadet Corps. of Drums and Bugle giving us an excellent display of their musical talents. Well done to all concerned, the CO and XO then joined us for the Gala Dinner. A great Dinner with all the usual speeches and toasts and a successful Raffle, the Association donated £100 to the Cadets in appreciation of all their efforts on the night.

Letters of appreciation were sent to both the Crown Hotel and to the Sea Cadets and replies received.

Looking forward to the 2019 Anniversary Reunion in Lichfield and the NMA weekend October 11-13.