The 2017 Reunion will be held at the Fownes Hotel, Worcester on the weekend of October 13th-15th. www.fowneshotelworcester.co.uk. 

As usual it's lamp swinging night on the 13th, AGM @ 0930 on Saturday 14th and the Gala Dinner at 2000hrs. on the Saturday night, full info. for the weekend will be available the middle of next year.

Cost is £52/person/night sharing a double or twin room for B&B on the Friday and Saturday nights plus the Gala Meal on the Saturday night, 3 single rooms are also available at this price (no supplement), first come, first served.

FREE Parking & WI-FI

20 Rooms have been block booked so when you make your Reservation please mention you are part of the HMS JUPITER weekend.

Please book your weekend asap with the Hotel by email only, reservations@fowneshotel.co.uk.

Any questions/problems/special requests please contact me at ken.williams@xlnmail.com.

2016 Reunion, AGM & Standard Blessing

This years Reunion went off very well with hardly a minute of spare time for anyone. 

Friday night was lamp swinging night in the RMT Main Bar, pictures in the Gallery Section, with a few sore heads at the AGM on Saturday morning at 09.30hrs. Norman Blain took over the reigns of Chairman from Ged Smith, Mark Smith was voted in as Vice Chairman, Mick O'Neil and Simon Hutt also volunteered to join the Committee. Thanks were given to all those who had previously helped out as Committee Members. The Membership fees year was changed to yearly from January 1st to simplify accounting, Members will of had an email from the Secretary explaining.

It was proposed to approach all the ex Skippers to be Vice Presidents, subsequently the Secretary has received acceptances from Commodore Bridges and Commodore Bryant.

There was a display of Jupiter Memorabilia held by the Association and also owned by Members.

The venue for next years Reunion was discussed and Dave Baker took up the challenge to organise, AGM minutes will be available to all Members by email.

At 1300 hrs. the Association moved to St. Anne's Church in the Dockyard for the Standard Blessing Ceremony organised by our Padre Mike Wishart, a very moving short ceremony with the Admiral taking the Lesson, pictures in the Gallery Section. Thanks also to ex GI John Snoddon for organising the Standard Bearer Jan Blain, and the Escorts Mick O'Neil and Simon Hutt into some semblance of Naval Order, BZ again to you all.

This was followed at 1400hrs. by a private visit to HMS Victory, where some of us had a Tour whilst others stayed in the Senior Rates mess for coffee and relaxation, on completion of the Tour by the OOD, CPO MW Gary Burridge, everyone was invited to the Snr. Rates Mess for a Tot of Rum. Thanks to everyone on board for their hospitality, a tribute to the Modern Navy Sailors, BZ. On completion everyone went their own ways and were fully booted and spurred for the Reunion Dinner at 1900hrs. in the RMT Nelson Lounge, after Sherry and Rum, again, we sat down to a great meal and conversation, later on a Raffle and Auction of Tug Wilson's Clocks, an amazing gesture by Tug who also gave generously to the Blind Association and the Jupiter Association from sales over the weekend, many thanks. Loads of photos in the Gallery Section.

Looking forward already to the 2017 Reunion in ????



The 2016 AGM will be held in The Hood Room, Royal Maritime Club, Portsmouth on October 15th at 0930. Anyone wishing to add items for discussion or to put their names forward, with Seconders names, to be a Committee Member, please contact the Secretary by email within the next 7 days.

Francis Hammond Letter

The Association has been donated letters from Mary Evans which her father had received from Francis Hammond an AB who served on Jupiter from 1939 and was a POW after the sinking in February 1942 in the Java Sea. The letter charts his time on board and also briefly his time as a POW and subsequent journey to freedom 2 weeks after the end of the Far East War.


MARY BAKER - Associate Member RIP

It is with sorrow that I report that Mary Baker, Associate Member and wife of David (Bagsy) Baker, Founding Member, passed away at the family home in South Shropshire on 20th April 2016 surrounded by her family. Mary attended all the Reunions with Bagsy and even last year in Middlesbrough though she was really unwell, but that was Mary, always the first to ask how you were and certainly not dwell on her own health problems.

Mary Baker Wreath.jpg

The Association mustered 13 Members, including the President and Lady Dalton, to attend the Cremation Ceremony in Shrewsbury on the 13th May and later in the Lord Hill Hotel for the Wake. A Wreath was laid and the Association Standard was draped on her coffin, all Association Members wore colourful  buttonholes to support the wishes of the family.

Later in the evening a special get together of the Puckered Plum Club (PPC) was organised in a local Restaurant to toast the life of Mary.